When one feels a need for change, then one must change. I drastic and impromptu hair cut has certianly made me feel as though change, for the better, is on the horizon. Finally.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
The cooler weather is a relief after the scorching heat a few days ago. At least we can sleep at night now. The next house has a great deal of trees surrounding it, I don't expect the heat will be as great a concern there. The yard is a good place to cool off, as opposed to this one which has a solitary tree between the yards. Well, another one of those tv debut days, both crystal and I are now local tv stars, crystal on a commercial for kidzfest and I for the intro into Taste of PA coming up next week. Nothing like watching your self on tv to pinpoint things like how overweight, or old one looks. Perhaps I should have taped it, then I could have replayed it every tiime I was hungry thus, effectively killing any appetite I might have had. Oh well, such is life. Perhaps I will visit the Herbal magic, vitamin store.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
We are off on a movie adventure. We are going to see the Cinderalla Story with Hilary Duff. There are so few choices when you have pg under fourteen going to the movie. We could have went to Shrek 2 again but it was only playing at 1:00, I suppose that means that it's run at our theatre is close to being over. I would rather see Spiderman two, but we think it may hve too much voilence for Crystal. Well, the big move, the second in 60 days is coming up again at the end of the month. This time we have a small old house, but it is only one block away from the new school and has it own yard with lots of trees . I am looking forward to moving away from the dog which continually craps in our yard after it jumps the fence and the crazzzzy neighbour who roles around in the gras at four o'clock in the morning pretending he is a dog. hmmmm.
Monday, July 19, 2004
To blog or not to blog, that is the question. After having been somewhat unmotivated to write short yet remarkable quips on line and display them for the entire world to view, I have determined that participating in this ritual may have some stress relieving qualities. When reading for enjoyment is no longer possible due to an already time strapped agenda then perhaps a short jaunt spent in the writing zone can tear ones thoughts away from the next day's agenda or the present day's trials and tribulations. Perhaps turning ones failures into a comic satire based ever so slightly on reality can remind one that the seriousness of one's mistakes is most pronounced in one's one mind. When in reality the decisions that I must make on a daily basis are much less important than the decisions of one who must determine the life or death fate of another or the decisions of those who seek to survive when there is no food or clean water, yet my decisions seem to create such a great deal of torment constantly trying to determine the "right" move for myself and perhaps three or four others, trying to avoid the "wrong" decision so as not to be constantly reminded of that error. Yet many wrong decisions are made everyday by many people who simply chose to continue on and shake off a wrong decision like yesterday's bad news. ahhhh to seek a time of less stress and simpler decisions.
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