Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The cooler weather is a relief after the scorching heat a few days ago.  At least we can sleep at night now.  The next house has a great deal of trees surrounding it, I don't expect the heat will be as great a concern there.  The yard is a good place to cool off, as opposed to this one which has a solitary tree between the yards.  Well, another one of those tv debut days, both crystal and I are now local tv stars, crystal on a commercial for kidzfest and I for the intro into Taste of PA coming up next week.  Nothing like watching your self on tv to pinpoint things like how overweight, or old one looks.  Perhaps I should have taped it, then I could have replayed it every tiime I was hungry thus, effectively killing any appetite I might have had.  Oh well, such is life.  Perhaps I will visit the Herbal magic, vitamin store.

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