Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ok, i think I've been having a bout of bad karma lately. First I get to work in the morning only to find hot chocolate spilled on the front of my blue shirt. I had made Crystal hot chocolate in the morning at breakfast, apparently I must have missed the cup. The next day, some schmuck cuts me off at an intersection while he turns left into oncoming traffic which just happens to be me. Thanks too some impecable swerving in which I managed to miss him and the snap on tools truck waiting at the intersection on my right, Then Friday, I was on my way to Tim Horton's in the monrining on my way to work, whilst in the Tim Horton's drive thru, the day care phones me as crystal has a tummy ache. Sooo, friday, I didn't make it to work at all. Can't wait till Monday to see what happens to me then.

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